Do appliances get installed before countertops?
Which comes first, appliances or countertops?
When planning your new kitchen installation, there are many factors to consider, such as the layout you want, the size of the kitchen you require, and the appliances you will use. Countertops are typically installed after flooring, cabinets, and appliances. Continue reading for more tips on deciding what goes where in your new kitchen!
What’s the distinction between countertops and appliances?
When planning your kitchen renovation, keep a few key differences between countertops and appliances in mind. To begin with, countertops are typically made of harder materials such as stone or concrete, whereas appliances are typically made of softer metals or plastics. This means that countertops are more resistant to scratches and dents and can withstand higher temperatures.
Another distinction is in the installation procedure. Countertops must be professionally cut and installed, whereas most appliances can simply be plugged in or screwed into place. This can significantly reduce the overall cost of your renovation.
Finally, keep in mind that countertops typically outlast appliances. This is because they are not subjected to the same wear and tear as cooking appliances. Your countertop can easily outlast your oven, stove, or refrigerator if properly cared for.
When should appliances be put in place?
There is no definitive answer to this question because it is dependent on the specific project and the appliances installed. Appliances, on the other hand, should be installed after the countertops have been installed. This ensures that the appliances have enough space and are properly supported. It also reduces the possibility of damaging the countertops during installation.